Short Bio

Laurent Schmid is an artist who creates narrative types of scientific and pseudo-scientific laboratory experiments. An investigation that leads to questions of faith, rationalism and anti-rationalism, and finally to magic and spirituality. In his work, he examines the relationships between the construction of forms of truth, subjectivity and the persona of human and non-human individuals. He has a conceptually orientated practice. His work oscillates between digital and analogue media, he makes performative lectures, interactive and code-based works, radio, videos, but also installations, drawings and, above all, photographs.


born 1960 in Basel, lives in Bern and Geneva, education:
1981 Schule für Gestaltung Basel
1981-1986 Schule für Gestaltung Bern and Bern University, focus: media

1995-99 President of the art commission of the city of Bern
1997-1999 Directory board «Visarte», professional association of Switzerland’s visual artists
1999-2007 Editorial board member of «Art Suisse/Schweizer Kunst»-magazine
He runs activeRat, a publishing house and label (since 1998), and Speckled-Toshe, an Vinyl LP label records with sounds by visual artists and contemporary musicians. He is organizing and (co-) curating events and exhibitions (e.g. «Version Bêta», CIC – Centre de l’Image Contemporaine, Geneva, 2008). In 2016 he initiated Sou-Sou, a collective curating project at Kino Rex, Bern. (until 2019). A sound-oriented curatorial project with the radio collective Radio Tramontana was: «Freundeskreise» in «Sviluppo-Parallelo» at Kunstmuseum Luzern, it followed our former projects in this context at ISR Roma and Milano, or museo MA*GA, Gallarate. He has been involved in collective artistic radio projects since 2007, such as laptopradiø.org.
Recently, he co-curated events and exhibitions at IRMA Republic and also free collaborative projects like

teaching & research activities:
HKBern, Gestaltung und Kunst (2001-02),
F+F Zürich (2002),
HEAD–Genève (from 2000 to 2021, first as a lecturer, then as an associate professor): teaching and co-coordination of department art/media and postgraduate studies programme «Immédiat»,
since its creation in 2008 he was in charge of «Work.Master», MFA studies programme in visual arts, from 2012 to 2015 together with Lili Reynaud Dewar and from 2019 to early 2021 together with Marlie Mul.

Group exhibitions (selection):

2023 Hydra, or The Many Headed AI, LiveInYourHead, Geneva
2019 Osmoscosmos, 50JPG, Centre de la Photographie, Genève, catalog
2018 Kunst und Nachhaltigkeit #9, die Mobiliar Bern, Sammlung Henze und Ketterer
2015/16 L’exposition d’un film (produits dérivés) par Mathieu Copeland, CNEAI de Chatou, Paris and Centre d’Art Contemporain, Genève
2015 consider that and measure, measure and receive the carmine, one gee in fog, Geneva (with Alan Bogana), catalog
2015 Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, MUMA, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne, Australia
2014/15 The Exhibition of a Film/L’exposition d’un film – A film/an exhibition by Mathieu Copeland, launched at Biennale of Moving Images, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève; screenings i.a. at Centre Pompidou, Paris; Tate Modern, London, Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montréal, catalog
2014 Von Forschergeist bis Sehnsucht, Klinik Südhang, Kirchlindach
2013 Feu sacré, Kunstmuseum Bern, catalog
2013 Cross Over – Fotografie der Wissenschaft & Wissenschaft der Fotografie, Fotomuseum Winterthur, catalog
2013 Enlighted, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Bern
2012 MAE Musée de l’art extraterrestre, LiveInYourHead, Geneva
2011 X Years, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Bern, catalog
2010 Exhibition Looping Memories, Fundacion Sunol and Loop Festival, Barcelona, catalog
2008 Exhibition Record Record, Exhibition at Shift Festival, Basel
2006/07 CH-AT-DE Exhibition and DVD, «Videos aus Oesterreich und der Schweiz», ZKM Karlsruhe
2006 UFO, Photoforum Pasquart, Bienne, catalog
2006 Driving Fast Through A Slow Motion Landscape, Crac Alsace, Altkirch, F, & Espai Ubu, Barcelona, catalog
2006 shaping, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff
2006 Branding, Marken, Zeichen, Labels, Die Mobiliar, Bern
2005 Keiner hilft Keinem, Kunsthalle Bern, publication
2004 I need you, Centre Pasqu‘Art, Bienne, catalog
2004 From here on out, Kunstraum Walchenturm, Zürich
2004 salon, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal
2003 Zeichnungen, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff
2002 Suspense, (Internet-)Installation Rest. Schwellenmätteli, Project of HGKK and of Museum für Kunst der Gegenwart, Bern
2001 vierhändig, forum rubigen
2001 Die Kunst der Mobiliar, Installation im Kunstmuseum Bern
1999 BAX release, Projektraum Kunstkanal, Bern
1999 Morphingeneva, airbag, Geneva
1998 Tapeten, (zusammen mit Patricia Abt), Kunstraum Hotel, Zürich, catalog
1998 Galerie Serge Ziegler, Zürich
1997 Statements, Galerie Bernhard Schindler, Bern
1997 My Swiss Friends, a Project by Via Lewandowsky, Lombard-Freid Fine Arts, New York
1997 diskland, snowscape, Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld
1996 Sommerausstellung, Galerie Bernhard Schindler, Bern
1996 Bilderzauber, Fotomuseum Winterthur, catalog
1995 Standbein-Spielbein, Galerie Bernhard Schindler, Bern
1995 Salon-Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal
1995 Take Care, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, catalog
1995 Berner Kunstausstellung, Kunsthalle Bern, catalog
1993 75 Aufscheinungen, Kunsthalle Bern
1992 Eidg. Kunststipendiaten, Kunstmuseum Solothurn, catalog
1991 Stillstand switches, Shedhalle Zürich, catalog
1989 Umspannwerk III, Umspannwerk Singen, BRD, catalog
1988 Lokaltermin Atelier, Weisser Saal, Kunstmuseum Bern, catalog
1988 Kunstraum Kreuzlingen
1988 Markus Furrer zeigt…, Biel
1987 Galerie Salchli & Agoues, Rüfenacht
1987 La lupa e l‘orso, (Villa Pamphili) Rom und (Dampfzentrale) Bern, catalog
1987 Ausstellung Thunstrasse, Bern
1986 Tangram, Berner Galerie, Bern (Künstlergruppe Tangram mit Albrecht Schnyder, Moritz Küng)
1986 Biennale des écoles d‘art, Toulouse, catalog
1986 Malerische Skulptur, Skulpturale Malerei, Kunstmuseum Bern

Solo exhibitions (selection):

2019 Is it Down?, installation RexBox, Kino Rex, Bern
2016 Belauschte Dialoge, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner
2010 Rope Tricks, Bischoff & Partner Gallery, Bern
2007 Eclipsing Binaries, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner
2005 Jumping reality, Galerie Bischoff & Partner, Bern
2005 dogdays,, PROGR, Bern
2000 REPROM, Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss, Zürich, catalogue
1998 Beyond the Borderline, Galerie Bernhard Schindler, Bern (with Zhou Tie Hai)
1998 Wileys, Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss, Zürich
1997 Spam, Installation Kiosk durch den Kunstkanal, Bern (with P.Abt)
1996 Galerie Bernhard Schindler, Bern
1995 Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss, Zürich
1993 Kunstverein Biel, Centre Pasqu’Art, catalogue
1992 Partisanen, Raum O.T. für aktuelle Kunst, Prosart, Luzern, with edition
1992 Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss, Zürich
1990 Shedhalle Zürich, catalogue
1989 Wartsaalprojekt, Bahnhof Biel (Project of Centre Pasqu’Art, with Patricia Abt)
1988 stochern und rupfen, Kurt Salchli, Bern, catalogue
1987 Sprung in den Aetna, (with Chiarenza & Hauser), Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, catalogue
1986 Galerie Chrämerhuus, Langenthal (with Chiarenza & Hauser)
1986 Galerie Loeb, Bern

Media projects: (selection)

2021 IIRRM residency and project D00D2BAD – DUDE, TOO BAD, or What Code Do Spirits Use?
2020 Hydrotherworlds, Jofully Waiting and Espace Labo, Geneva, and later: Disincarnations and the Blendings of Reverberations (2023)
2015/16 Freundeskreise / Circoli degli amici, Sviluppo-Parallelo, with Radio Tramontana and Noah Stolz at Kunstmuseum Luzern
2015 CAN Neuchâtel, L’hospice des mille-cuisses, aka Dr. Nezumi
2014 Orgon Lunch (pausa pranzo lunga) #1, with Radio Tramontana, MA*GA, Gallarate
2014 Swiss Zebra, Station, Beirut, with Jonathan Frigeri and Ceel Mogami de Haas / LapTopradio
2014 Il problema della sicurezza, Swiss Institute Milano, with Radio Tramontana
2006 black hole, mp3-Player, edition
2006 K7, made at home edition, Lyon, presentation at planet22, Genève
2000 surprise, Report Thun
1999 Skinnerbox-Remixes, CD-ROM Project
1999 Contribution for RAM internet project, Xcult, Basel, Präsentationen u.a. an der Liste 99, Basel, im Kunstmuseum Thun
1998 Web-Project for Kunstraum Hotel, Zürich
since 2003 diff. (web- & pirate-)radio projects (, wazzar, o0oo00oooo000 …)

websites, project-websites (and CD-ROMs) for Kunsthalle Bern, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Kunstmuseum Thun, Kunsthaus Zürich, Paul-Klee-Stiftung, Stadtgalerie Bern, etc.

video screenings in several festivals (Viper Basel, BIM Geneva, Loop Barcelona, Kunsthalle Vienna, Pro Helvetia New Dehli…)

Performative talks: (selection)
2013 «Galvanische Action», Cave12, Genève
2008 «Fear uncertainty and doubt», with Mauel Schmalstieg, «Dark Designs», Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon, catalogue
2007 «Les enfants du géant gazeux», Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, catalogue
2006 «The Raw and the Dangerous Kook», Dorkbot, Progr, Bern

Talks: (selection)
2016 Constellations: Art–Science Summer Academy, Istituto Svizzero di Roma
2014 «Unmapping Radio» with Jonathan Frigeri, ESSA conference «Mapping the Field», Copenhagen University
2013 «Brutal Ardur», Symposium «Radical Enlightenment. A Symposium on Cybernetics and the Soul», Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2008, Fear uncertainty and doubt, with Mauel Schmalstieg, Symposium Dark Designs, Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
1997 Slam, spam, sampling, Symposium Diskland snowscape, Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld
1991 On Lawrence Weiner, Symposium Stillstand Switches, Shedhalle Zürich

Awards/grants/art in public space:
2015 New York studio grant, Art Council City of Bern
2012 Publication grant, Art Council Canton Bern
2006 Art in public space, Schulhaus Brunnmatt, Projekt “Wazzar”, a radio-project
2001 Viper Swiss Award for Media Arts
1996 Art in public space, Informatikzentrum Uni Bern, Projekt «Dodo», catalogue
1995 Werkbeiträge, city and canton of Bern
1994 Förderpreis Kuratorium Kant. Aargau
1991 Swiss Arts Award
1990 Werkbeitrag, city and canton of Bern
1986 Aeschlimann/Corti award

Texts/reviews: (selection)
• Bernhard Bischoff , «Ein paar spektroskopische Betrachtungen», in: «Eclipsing Binaries», report, Thun, 2007
• Marianne Burki, «Kunst und Bau, ein Spannungsfeld», Stämpfli, Bern, d, 2001
• Herzog, Samuel «REPROM», in Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss, Zürich, 2000
• Ursprung, Philip, «Partisanen – Zur Kunst von Laurent Schmid» in: Daidalos/Architektur, Kunst, Kultur, Berlin, 1996
• Stahel, Urs, «Seriöses Spiel», in: Katalog Fotomuseum Winterthur, 1996
• Ursprung, Philip, «Gegen die Modernist Correctness» – Neues aus der Schweiz: Claudia und Julia Müller, Laurent Schmid, Ugo Rondinone, in: Eikon, Wien, 14/15/1995
• Ursprung, Philip, «Für seinen ganz privaten Himmelsatlas…»in: Take Care, Katalog, Swiss Institute, N.Y., Palazzo, Liestal, 1995
• Bitterli, Konrad, «Störfälle und Fehlstellen»; Loock, Ulrich, «Blickwechsel»; Lux, Harm, «Fragmente, Feb.‚95»; in Katalog, Kunsthalle Bern, 1995
• Bitterli, Konrad, «Störfall und Normalfall – Laurent Schmids Archive der Fehlstellen»,in : Katalog, Kunstverein, Centre Pasq‘Art, Biel, 1993
• Lux, Harm, in Katalog, Shedhalle Zürich, 1991
• «Jetzt / Junge Kunst aus Schweiz, Europa und Amerika», Du, Zürich, 6/1991
• Boller, Gabrielle, «Hirsch Perlman, Eric Hattan, Laurent Schmid», in: Artefaktum, Antwerpen, 34/1990
• Ursprung, Philip,»Eric Hattan, Laurent Schmid, Hirsch Perlman» in: Nike, München, 33/1990
• Luckow, Dirk, «Die Frage nach dem Bild und nur ein Störenfried?», in: Katalog «Umspannwerk III», Singen, 1989

and texts around L.S.’ works and projects by:
Christophe Kihm, Sarah Burger, Benoît Maire, Lars Bang Larsen, Gerhard Johann Lischka, Maxine Kopsa, Samuel Gross, Philippe Pirotte, Bernhard Bischoff, Mathieu Copeland, Gora Nicoletti, Yann Chateigné in Rope Trick Effects, Bern & Geneva, 2012

cf. also Catalogues, Booksand About for texts and div. projects