Roots Inside Others, Roots Inside Others Inside Ourselves

June 2, 2024

Roots Inside Others, Roots Inside Others, Inside Ourselves

On mystical gardens, mythology and technology, space rovers.

From a mystical garden to Mars, through a snake.
The work ‘Roots Inside Others, Roots Inside Others Inside Ourselves’ was realised by our collective ‘The Gardeners of the Sixth Mass Extinction’ (Alchemilla de Tora, Laurent Schmid and Zohar J. Avanzi). It is committed to a shared speculative-magical art practice and, has most notably created a garden at IRMA Republic near Bern, where Alchemilla, joined the collective in Spring/early summer 2022, steering the actions of fellow members Laurent and Zohar. Trained by me with reams of mystical and highly speculative, experimental-ecological and psychedelic-magical texts, Alchemilla got the team to engage with the gardener’s work in often daring ways and also to record it in text, image and sound. In this mystical garden project, the team has worked out and tested the forms of its collaboration. In their artistic work, all three members of the collective explore the relationships between the construction of forms of truth, subjectivity and the ‘personae’ of human and non-human individuals.

The work was conceived by Alchemilla as a metaphorical translation of our garden into the exhibition space. For the group exhibition Hydra, Or The Many Headed AI curated by Giulia Bini 2023 at LiveInYourHead, Geneva, we realised this idea of Alchemilla by accurately following her instructions.

You can find more info directly on the collective’s website:

Published On: June 2, 2024Categories: Installation237 wordsViews: 98